Didotic Rules of life
I realised Im a selective leopard. I don't like everybody. So why should everybody like me? Fair's fair. (That reminds me I dunno why people say "all is fair in love and war. Nothing is FAIR in love and war. When has it EVER been? Excuuse me? Where did such a nobrain saying come from.)
But that was not what I started out to say.
Leopards got claws don't they? To be used isn't it? Gotta use claws somewhere or will get atrophied. We don't want that do we? Stands to reason if folk like some folk. sometimes folk have to not like folk. It's natchral. Like breathing.
Rules of Dido
I will try to like a few bodies.
I will not try to like everybody.
I will not try to make everybody like me.
I will not expect everyone to like me. No skin off my nose as I said.
I will actively like the folk I like. It is not point liking them and not showing it. So more washings..."slurp slurp", more purrings, more cuddles.
I will actively dislike some folk (some *should* be disliked but I won't mention names). Flexing claws, teeth and other sharp instruments. (in the interest of evolution - so they don't get atrophied).
I will
...hmm. I don't know what else I will do. Go stttttrrrrreeetcchhh.