the Rain god
ye gods. the rain god walks the land. that in itself is fine by me. the trouble is that in matters of doubt the rain god dishes out high humidity. so you swelter under the tantalising rain clouds that hover but sometimes do not deliver as promised.
but today it is raining. kittens cats puppies and dogs kind of rain. leeches rain. you want to enjoy the rain in kandy? step out onto the lawn and have an exodus of leeches that are definitely viewing you as their 'promised land'. that sours the pleasures of gardening you know...leech paradise can hardly be gardeners' paradise can it.
but there you go. it is raining and who am i to complain. i of the heat hating ilk, the sun despising cult, the humidity rejecting clan. i will not complain. come leeches and invasions, i still remain in a state of fervent rejoicing.
although the delight in the rain gods seductive presence is tempered by having 60+ external degree exam papers to correct. i mean it is really dampening to be told that the augustan poets wrote during the time of augustus caesar, and that they were not romantic poets. it is enough to make one suicidal - rain or no rain.
can we talk please.. add me on hotmail if we can talk, its important...
sure... :) just saw your comments. thank you. Read your blog and found it great too. Are you a poet?
hey, are u on gtalk?? lemme know what messenger u log into... ill add u there.. sorry for late reply was stuck in smthing ... im not a poet... just seeking answers.. :D.. see u soon
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